Top Five Reasons That Your Company Should Be Investing in Responsive Web Development

Do you run a website? Here are some of the reasons that you should be looking into the ways that responsive web design can help your website to work at full capacity on mobile devices.
1. Local mobile ad spending is projected to grow from 800 million dollars to an astounding 18 billion dollars by 2016. this is one of the reasons that investing in a program like Ruby on Rails for web development to ensure that you are doing all you can to take part in business intelligence applications.
2. For users, responsive web design ensures a great experience on every screen. It helps to make sure that your website will work well on any device that tries to access it.
3. Google recommends utilizing mobile responsive design on your website so that you do not loose traffic through unresponsive service.
4. One of the oft cited search engine optimization benefits of responsive design is the ability to present a single URL for a page. Most design shows a separate mobile URL instead.
5. Did you know that the majority of the 120 million smartphone owners in the United States use a shopping or retail app at least once a month? This is according to a recent Nielsen report. Using a program like Ruby on Rails for web development can help to make sure that your website is serving these users the best possible way.