The pervasive fear of bees that many Americans seem to experience has led to a certain amount of vindictiveness their removal. Rarely does a family with an unwanted hive think to call live bee removal services. Rather, they pick up a can of bee-killer at the drugstore and go to town on the colony. It is likely that you’ve heard some of the concern voiced about preserving bee species, and if you’ve taken any of it to heart, you might be inclined to re-think that knee-jerk reaction. Bumble bee removal, carpenter bee removal, and general beehive removal services will remove bees from the premises without damaging the colony.
Why Save The Bees?
- Put on your nerdy scientist hat for a second while we think about how remarkable bees really are. Honey bees are assigned jobs based on their age. Worker bees, the only bees most people ever see, are sexually undeveloped females. For the first two days of life, they clean cells, starting with the one they’re born in, and keep the brood warm. On days three to five, they feed older larvae. When they’re six to 11 days old, they feed the youngest larvae. Between days 12 and 17, they produce wax, build combs, carry food, and bury dead bees. When they’re 18-21 days old they perform guard duties and protect the hive. From day 22 until death, around 40-45 days, they collect pollen, nectar, and water and pollinate plants.
- The world’s largest bee, Megachile pluto, can get up to 1.5 inches in length.
- Africanized Honey Bees, the result of a 1956 transfer of African bees to Brazil for adaptation to tropical areas, can now be found in most of mid- and southern-Texas, about a third of New Mexico, all over Arizona, and the southern third of California.
Other reasons to call bumble bee removal services instead of resorting to pesticides:
- A hive could be storing up to 100 lbs of honey in the walls. Once you kill the hive, there won’t be a way to control temperature within the cavity and the heat of the summer can melt the wax. If the wax melts, honey will leak through your walls and window sills.
- A dead honey bee colony coupled with the honey it leaves behind will attract wasps, ants, cockroaches, and rodents.
- They’ll be back. If you simply seal off the hole and wait for the bees to die, there is a good chance that they’ll chew through the plasterboard in an effort to escape.
- Pesticides are harmful. They aren’t good for you, and any residual pesticide can be picked up and transferred to other colonies. This process destroys many honey bee colonies, producing a harmful effect on food production.
Before picking up a can of chemicals, consider calling a local bumble bee removal service. It’s better for your home and better for the environment, too. Learn more about this topic here: firstchoicebeeremoval.com