The latest Android security model software is something that every business with a BYOD (bring your own device) policy should make themselves aware of. In the third quarter of 2012, 136 million Android based phones were shipped by manufacturers. Overall, that accounts for 75 percent of the market share. Considering that a full 25 percent of companies allow BYOD, but do not have a management system of any kind in place, the latest Android security model could prove to be quite beneficial for a lot of people.
Android device management can help to keep BYOD a possibility, without simultaneously introducing unwarranted risks. BYOD can streamline tasks, reduce or eliminate paperwork, increase productivity and allow for real time updating from any location. The ideal Android security model could make it possible to prevent hackers and viruses from infecting these phones, as well as the rest of the companies network.
Android in the enterprise with BYOD also could lead to more accurate record keeping and billing, as well as streamlined workflow and added visibility. Proper android management is also affordable, which means that more companies than ever can protect themselves. Today, global mobile traffic accounts for one tenth of all internet traffic. An Android security model could be the best thing to protect a companies employees from harm.