A notice was sent to him about a garage-door tuneup. Even though it seems like a great value, the price isn’t. There is a way to do regular maintenance to ensure that your door is up to current. It will require tools like a socket, wrench along with some cardboard. Moving parts that are lubricated are essential. It’s important to make sure that all parts work effectively. The first step is to remove the garage opener. Check that all hinges are secure. Be sure to ensure that the hinges will fit snugly. Next step is to first lubricate. Lubricate your hinges. You should ensure that you clean your hands on the outside of the hinges along with their insides. Most likely, your door is equipped with an nylon roller. Lubricate the roller so it moves more freely. You can lubricate the ball bearings too. You should consider replacing your rollers with nylon ones. You will notice that the grease builds up. Be sure to evenly distribute it, and remove any extra. This video will provide additional details. wxhv8kasya.