This is an inherited condition that’s difficult to manage. Usually, people know they’ll go bald. This is due to genetics. It typically begins around the temples. The hair on the crown begins to fall out at some point. There is baldness to the highest point of the head. In this pattern, the highest loss of hair is referred to as an alopecia. This is the term used by doctors for hair loss. Hormones help stop the production of hair. There are various types of hair loss. But the most common is alopecia. What is the cause? It’s all the result of genetics. Hair loss in 81% results from genetics. Hair loss could be due to genetics. Hair follicles make the keratin. This can last anywhere from 2 to 6 years. After the hair is mature in length, it can last approximately eight months. It is the same for those affected by a genetic disease. The most popular stories is that having sex may cause hair loss. The opposite is true. ly5bayrupk.