If you are having any difficulties in your marriage or relationship, then you might want to look into visiting a relationship coach. A relationship coach will be able to help you and your partner reopen the paths of communication and help you to get the relationship back on track. Regardless of you orientation or the nature of the relationship, you will be able to find the help that your relationship needs. Here are a few facts that you should know before looking for LGBT therapists or lgbt relationship counseling.
During the late ’60s and ’70s, rates of divorce started rising and therefore field of marriage therapy exploded. It is not very difficult these days to find a counselor in your area who can help you and your partner attempt to work through any problems that you might have.
Did you know that if you have attended college, your risk of divorce decreases by 13 percent? Regardless of this particular fact, you might still find yourself in need of a marriage counselor. The important thing to remember is that getting help is not something to be ashamed about. Getting help could be just what you need to get your relationship back to a place where you and your partner are truly happy again.
Marriage counseling originated in Germany during the 1920’s, and was considered part of the eugenics movement.
There are over 700,000 transgendered citizens in the United States currently. As the laws that disgriminate against these individuals continue to be overturned and rewritten, more and more specialized counseling centers will continue to open across the country. If you need help, never hesitate to seek it out. It is incredibly important to take care of yourself.
Gender identity disorder is diagnosed when an individual feels a strong need to become the other sex, and suffers from body image issues, severe depression, and other serious mental issues. Seeking therapy in these situations, regardless of whether the individual is in a relationship, is important. For more, read this link.