Nowadays, it’s difficult to get guidelines about how to receive reimbursement for hospital beds. Finding out how to have the hospital bed covered by insurance is complicated. Your physician does not hold any influence over the insurance company. If the insurance company will accept it as a medical expense or not is entirely up to the service provider. Semi-electric beds cannot be included in insurance coverage. The only thing that is covered is the top of the bed or the feet. It is the only 2 elements that are covered by insurance companies. There is a major difference in some beds, the entire bed can be raised up or down. If the caregiver isn’t particularly tall, this can help. Also, this can come in handy when someone uses chairs as platforms to get from one bed to another. There are two kinds of rail beds: half-rail and full-rail. These beds can be moved up or down easily. The most common size is a 5 inch foam mattress. You will usually see the air-spring mattress. The mattresses are uncomfortably for those who have been using traditional beds. For more information, please go to this YouTube video. ky9zhfa38t.