Sadly, your Louisville dentists can attest that half of all U.S. adults were at least partially toothless a hundred years ago. Thankfully with urgent care dental services for emergencies and discount dental implants most situations that might result in tooth loss have been eliminated. Finding the right Louisville dentists can help you navigate any dental issues that you may encounter.
Thanks to your Louisville dentistry options, just like other cities and towns across the country, and improvements to dental care, less than 10 percent of seniors are missing teeth these days. For those that experience tooth loss, there are refined options such as mini dental implants for dentures.
You may not think much about your teeth if you have never lost one, but the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry shows that over 99 percent of Americans claim the smile as an important asset in social terms. Your Louisville dentists can provide the full range of services that insure you always have a great smile.
In extreme cases, you can have dental implants installed by your Louisville dentists. They place the implant in the missing tooths bone socket, where the jawbone growns around it to anchor it securely. You may find that you are the only one to notice an implant, thanks to updates in cosmetic and emergency dentistry.
While it might be more common for older adults to experience tooth loss, generally athletic trauma, fights and accidents cause tooth loss in people less than 35 years old. Fortunately, mouth guards and face protection is becoming more prevalent in sports situations, but your Louisville dentists can help you navigate unexpected dental issues or loss.
Your dental care is critical to your dental health from the beginning. In fact, babies start to develop primary teeth approximately 6 weeks after initial conception. That means your dental health is important before you even leave the womb. To maintain your dental health and to minimize tooth loss or deterioration later in life, you should see your Louisville dentists twice a year. They can consult on your preventative care to insure that you do not run into issues later in life.
Ouch! That makes my teeth hurt just thinking about dental implants. I always make my son wear a mouthguard when playing sports.
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…
Geez, that is a lot of toothless adults back in the day. You would think that there would be more without teeth these days too. Thank goodness for dentists…