Every marriage begins with hopes and dreams for the future. Sadly, not all marriages do not always end so idealistically. Marriages are also ending sooner than they have in the past. The median length for marriage in the United States is only 11 years. The mean age of a women for a first divorce is only 29 years old, with first marriages ending in divorce lasting an average of approximately eight years. Divorce can be a long, expensive process and always has been. Even in colonial America obtaining a divorce decree required legislative action, a process that was time consuming and costly, and resulted in divorces being extremely rare.
There are lots of factors that can lead to a relationship ending in separation, but regardless of how your marriage reached this point, it is important you take the next steps wisely. Family law is the area of the law that deals with family related matters, domestic relations and divorces. Preparing yourself for a legal situation is necessary in any divorce. Here are some things to consider regarding divorce and family law.
- Attorneys
- Child Custody
- After Effects of Divorce
Both parties should hire a divorce attorney. They should also be sure not to hire divorce lawyers from the same firm. Even though about 90% of divorces are settled outside of court, a divorce attorney is still a necessity. Even without going to trial, a divorce is a legal proceeding with enormous ramifications.
If there are children from the marriage, child custody is one of the most significant portions of divorce proceedings. Both parents can file for child custody or agree on a shared custody and a living schedule. One parent, usually whoever does not gain custody, will be required to make child support payments to the other party. Cases that involve issues of residence and contact can generally lead to long, bitter conflicts.
Break ups are always hard. A marriage break up can be even more painful. A divorce and the after effects can take a sever mental, emotional and physical toll on parents and children. A University of Cincinnati study from August 2012 found that men are most likely to turn to drinking after divorce. Separating yourself from someone you love, and possibly your own children, will be extremely difficult. Make sure you understand all the consequences of following through with a divorce.