This is among the most popular methods for treating tooth decay.
Dental fillings include a mix of glass, plastics and other metals. These elements are used to fix cracked, broken tooth, or chipped. Dental fillings for cosmetic purposes are composed of amalgam silver, porcelain and tooth-colored material. Gold is one of those filling materials but it’s not the most popular option for patients.
Each type of material has advantages and pitfalls. Goldfor instance can be used up to 15 years. But, it’s costly. The most well-known option to fillings that are tooth-colored is ones that color the teeth. They’re not noticeable and offer great protection. These fillings only last about five years. They are easy to chip off, and take some time to put in. Porcelain is able to last for up to 15 years, and is extremely resistant to damage. However, it is expensive and may cost more than gold fillings.
The silver filling is a preferred choice because they’re less expensive and more durable. The drawback of this option is of being visible, and increasing the risk of dental fractures and cracks. Additionally, it can cause allergic reactions for certain patients, and can leave an unnatural gray hue. Glass fillings also release fluoride that benefits the teeth. However, they have a shorter lifespan than the five-year mark and, in general, are less durable.
Dental Bridges
The principal function of dental bridges is to fill gap created by missing teeth. It involves using dental bridges that hold the false tooth in position and then cementing it. Missing teeth can happen for different reasons. It may be a dental condition of birth, gum disease, injury or even a result of tooth decay. All you need to undergo this procedure is that you must have healthy teeth either side of the bridge.
Dental bridges can improve the appearance and function of your smile, and reduce anxiety and discomfort. Additionally, they help to reduce the difficulty of chewing. It also maintains the alignment of your teeth as well as stops the rest of your teeth in a sway. This process usually involves three visits to the dentist. In the beginning,