New Channel 8

New Channel 8

This video offers a wonderful introduction to bail bonds. When a person is arrested for committing some crime, the suspect is detained in prison while waiting for the outcome of their case. As part of our system of justice, the accused are presumed innocent until proved innocent. There is no reason to keep someone in jail when they haven’t actually committed a crime, and it will only be clear that they’re not a criminal after their case is resolved.

This problem is solved by the bail system. After hearing a speedy hearing judges assign a bail amount to each case. It is the expected amount of money to encourage a potential criminal to attend all of their court dates. If they are unable to pay for the entire amount out of their own pocket it is possible to work with an bail bond agency to cover the cost. So long as they keep every court date so that they don’t have to be held accountable for the whole bail sum.

The system is designed to encourage everyone to go to trial for wrongs they’ve been charged with. 2piulynbrj.

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